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Returned to Customers (D)

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Topbar > Utility > Service > Returned to Customers > F5 Dtel

CUI < Interfaces > GUI

Attributes - M_RETDCD - Material Retrnd to Customer (D)
Type Nature Parent Access Pri'KeyProto LinkedToAcc LinkedToInv OnPeriodClose
Relational Master M_RETDCB ToAll Code No No KeptAsIs
Fld Name Typ Len Dec Editable Calculated Confgrable Index Nature Linked
1 Voucher C 8   No     Voucher Code.Pk  
2 Date D 8     Yes   Date    
3 MrnNo C 8         MrnNo   UT_RCVDC
4 Item C 8         ID_Item   C_STOCK
5 Descriptn C 35              
6 Category C 8       Yes      
7 SerialIssued C 20              
8 SerialDamaged C 19              
9 Charge1 N 10 2            
10 Charge2 N 10 2     Yes      
11 Charge3 N 10 2     Yes