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Users, Groups & Rights

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Vouch implements a highly sophisticated log-in mechanism. The basic entity of log-in mechanism is a Vouch User. A Vouch user can be defined as a person who can log-in to Vouch after providing his/her user-id and password, and can carry-out designated tasks. A user's user-id is a capitalized 5 characters long alpha-numeric word ( no spaces ). A user's password is a 50 characters long case-sensitive, alpha-numeric phrase.


A user is assigned a "User Group". A User Group has many attributes attached which control the scope of functioning of all the users attached to it. A user and/or user group can be created only by the administrator of Vouch. Administrator will place user's password when creating a user. User will change the password on first log-in. Therefrom, Administrator also will have no authority to change the password of a user. Administrator also cannot see the password of a user, for this matter, any user. Administrator has the right to delete a user, or assign a different group to the user.





Vouch Recommends

Users must be notified and encouraged to change their password the first time they log-in. It will protect them against any wrong-doings by others. Vouch records each and every activity of a user which is available to the administrator for review and analysis. Further, to be on the safer side, they should be instructed to change their password periodically also to ensure greater safety to their activities.