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VouchLabels is an object where you can define a labels components in WYSIWYG interface, which in turn can be attached to a module's data supplying the values to its defined components. And finally printing the labels from within the attached module itself filtered on selected records. The labels interface supports 1. Images   2. Barcodes ( almost all 2D protocols )   3. Text   4. Shapes ( circles, rectangles, etc). Lables can be difined to be printed on any type of labels or ordinary printer. Width of the paper is auto adjusted based on provided parameters. When executed, the interface something looks like this:


A view of VouchLabels interface in execution at design time. At the background is Vouch main window, then <Vouch Labels> module executed in a separate thread, then VouchLabels design dialog (modal).

A view of VouchLabels interface in execution at design time.
At the background is Vouch main window, then <Vouch Labels> module executed in a separate thread, then VouchLabels design dialog (modal).