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Calculator in Vouch can be called anywhere by pressing F2. It is a global key. Vouch calculator differs significantly from traditional calculator interfaces. Instead of numerics only interface, it implements macro evaluation of the supplied mathematical expression in totality. As such standard xbase dialect defined or Vouch API defined mathematical functions can be combined in the expression. For example, 12+13+(401.12/201)+2014, is a valid expression.







Press F2.

Enter some mathematical expression.

Press Enter. The result is displayed in Result field.


F6 Express(io)n - brings back the last expression entered.

F7 Result - result of last expression will be pushed into the expression field.

F8 Location - will allow you to position the calculator via up-arrow, dn-arrow, left-arrow and right-arrow keys. The new position is retained as is for the entire session of Vouch, or until, the location is changed again.

F9 Paste - allows you to paste the last result inside any numeric field which is exposed to you for editing or entering some value.


GUI calculator almost  exposes the same behavior as of CUI one except for the following:


1. F8 Location - does not work. However you can position it via mouse by positioning the cursor on the Calculator's title-bar and dragging while left button is kept pressed.


2. Since every module is opened in a separate thread, pressing F2 will open another calculator window with its own set of variables, and hence, calculations done in one window is not shared by another window.